Monday 20 February 2017

Ride leading 19/2/17 Cat and Fiddle - 50 miles. 2400 ft. 3 hours 29 minutes

After the ride briefing at 10am we set off in the drizzle with big smiles. It has been 4 months since I did a hill ride and one of my ride buddies thought it was too early in the year yet. But I wanted to lay down a marker at this early point in the season. And I wanted to offer a D ride for TeamGlow. TeamGlow offer 4 classes of rides from A through to D where D is the hilliest, fastest paced or longest.

Therre were no incidents between home and the turn around point at the top of the hill. We were soon at the Cat and Fiddle pub which is on the road between Macclesfield and Buxton.  It was a good ride up the hill. The group split as is common on hills but we always regroup at the top waiting with smiles and encouragement for each other.  No sprint finish from me but the first hill this year now has a TICK.

We ate some flies and we descended through a cloud of smoke from a garden fire. We hit some very rough patches of road and were stuck in some long traffic jams. Filtering effectively isn't always possible on narrow roads - not when you need to pass a Cheshire Range Rover- but we managed on and off to move forwards by filtering and we moved together as a group.

I captured a couple of images from the top...the best view in the Peaks. On a good day that is.

Successful ride and even bigger smiles heading home in time for (a late) lunch.  No punctures and no mechanicals. And lots of thanks for another lovely ride out.

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